Hauts-de-France is universally acclaimed for its friendliness and hospitality.

We offer a warm welcome and cultural riches that are second to none—as well as top-quality facilities and venues, professional services, and extensive experience in event and conference planning. Our region’s economic and scientific potential also make Hauts-de-France a destination of choice for business.

Pierre Thibaut - Région Hauts-de-France

80 minutes from London

7 key convention destinations

We make it easy to hold your business event in Hauts-de-France


The region is packed with refreshing novelty value for jaded participants. You'll not only find that you save on travelling time and costs, but you'll also find a warm welcome and efficient partners who will make your event memorable, for all the right reasons.

Rob Davidson, Managing Director at MICE Knowledge Mice logo

Get in touch

Call us

Your contact for corporate events
Clémence Blanchegorge
Clémence Blanchegorge MICE Business Developer clemence.blanchegorge@hautsdefrancetourisme.com +33 (0)6 37 58 43 17
Your contact for conference planning
Valérie Lefebvre
Valérie Lefebvre Congress Business Developeur valerie.lefebvre@hautsdefrancetourisme.com +33 (0)6 37 58 44 02

Your partner

Nord France Convention Bureau logo
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